Around this time last year, I joined the “10 day being a mom/dad challenge” on Facebook. Throughout the course of 10 days, I selected an image from a day in the life of being a mom and posted it without a single explanation and nominated somebody to join the celebration. 10 days, 10 photos, 10 nominations, zero explanations. It turned out to be one of the best opportunities for me to reflect on my short yet precious parenting journey.
Since Leonardo passed away, I’ve lost my identity and the most important role in life. I quickly unsubscribed from all parenting groups and baby/mom e-commerce sites, and uninstalled Facebook and Instagram from my phone. Looking at photos of happy moms and babies is like having salt on an open wound.
Then comes Mother’s Day. It has been so commercialized that I can’t possibly ignore it. Brands make sure that their promotions land in my mailbox, regardless of my need or wish. So I asked myself: What does Mother’s Day mean to a mom without a child?
Although I am still struggling to find a meaningful answer to that question, I’ve decided to celebrate it in memory of Leonardo. I will buy myself a nice present on his behalf. I will visit him in the temple where he’s staying, and show him the gift that I’ve chosen for myself. Above all, I will donate SGD1,000 to Leonardo’s Smile Fund to support mothers and children in the SOS Children’s Village in Vietnam. They are the best examples of how a mother’s care can change a child’s life.
Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate it!
Lots of love from Pinky, mother of Leonardo.